Delicious mess in the shack, knows everything to find.

My very first hf transceiver from Yaesu.

2 meter all mode set from Icom.

Kenwood ts 515 received from PDØAC.

Yaesu ft-747.

Yaesu ft-897d.

Yaesu ft-817nd.

Icom ic-2820h D-Star set.

Yaesu ft-712rh 430mhz. transceiver.

Kenwood tk-880 in the 70cm amateur band.

Condor 16/46 .

Yaesu transceiver in the 150mhz band.

Motorola 2100 in use for the PI1ALM repeater.

Yaesu ftm-100 for system fusion.

Yaesu ft8900 .